Today at 6:00 PM

As Salaam Alaikum Tomorrow, on the last day of Ramadan we will be joined by the Thai Consul General of Thailand, Tor Saralamba. He, and his family will bring Thai Halal food and join the Iftar. They are planning an evening of "Thai gastronomy" and hope that you all will be free to join! It will also be a great opportunity to make Dua and offer support in response to the earthquake that recently impacted Thailand. We hope to see you there!

March 10

As Salaam Alaikum We will now be using the My Masjid App for our communications. Please share with your families! Download and follow Masjid Al-Taqwa. Please join us for nightly Iftars and Taraweeh prayers at New Horizon School Saturday through Wednesdays!

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