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Arabic for Beginners - Madina Level 1 (Brothers Only)

Sunday - Weekly Starting Sunday 4th August after Maghrib JamaatNext: Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 9:15 PM
Chadwell Heath Central Masjid - Main HallGet Directions
About Event

Arabic for Beginners (Madina Book Level 1) will be taught by Imam Abu Yousuf. You will learn Vocabulary and Grammatic rules with a view to being able to understand and speak basic Arabic. One of the key goals of the course will be to help you understand the Quran when reading and listening. There is a Course Enrolment Fee of £50 towards costs and teaching/learning materials. The fee is payable in person n the first session. The Course will run for 12 Weeks and is open for Brothers only. The Course will start on Sunday 4th August 2024 after Maghrib Jamat. Please book your place.
