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Female Fitness - Mindful Stretching

Every Sunday morning 9:55 – 10:55 AM for 5 weeks starting on Jan 12, 2025Next: Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 10:00 AM
About Event

MNN has arranged female-only, fitness programs that will be conducted by a certified fitness instructor. These will be one-hour classes on Sunday mornings and will start on Jan 12 inShaaAllah. Where: MNN Masjid, 3520 Odyssey Dr, Mississauga, ON L5M 0Y9 What: Mindful Stretching - balancing, breathing and stretching exercises to improve posture, mobility and flexibility When: Every Sunday morning from 9:55 – 10:55 am for 5 weeks Fees: $68.75 for 5 classes What you need to bring: Yoga mat + Water bottle Registration will be subject to submission of completed registration forms and agreement to comply with MNN policies and regulations INSTRUCTOR BIO: Bringing two decades of fitness knowledge and experience, certified personal trainer, Jia Jamali is a passionate & dedicated mindset and fitness coach. Her approach to self-care is unique & purposeful. If you struggle with consistency, motivation or self-discipline, these classes will transform your mindset around fitness. You will strengthen and stabilize your muscles, improve your balance & posture and feel amazing!

AUTHORIZATION I am at least 18 years of age and am applying for registration in the Program identified herein ( Program) as one of the following:participant in the Program; or parent or legal guardian of the participant, having the legal authority to register the participant into the Program and binding myself and the participant to the terms set out herein. TERMS AND CONDITIONS I hereby agree to abide by the instructions and guidelines issued by or on behalf of the Muslim Neighbour Nexus ( MNN) in connection with the Program. I acknowledge that the Program may be physically strenuous and that I am aware of the associated physical and medical risks involved. WAIVER OF LIABILITY I hereby agree to the following: 1. To waive and forever release MNN, its directors, officers, members, employees, agents, sponsors contractors and volunteers from any and all claims, demands, actions, damages (including direct, indirect, special and/or consequential), losses, actions, judgments, and costs (including legal fees) (collectively, "claims") howsoever arising, whether known or not now known or anticipated, but which may later develop or be discovered, including all of the effects and consequences thereof, which may have been or may hereafter be sustained by me or any participant or my or any successors, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, servants or agents, or any of them, arising out of or in connection with (a) the Program(s); and/or (b) my and/or any (i) participation in the Program(s) and/or (ii) attendance at the facility at which the Program is provided; 2. To freely accept and fully assume all such risks, including the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage, expense and related loss, resulting from (a) the Program(s); and/or (b)my and/or any (i) participation in the Program(s); and/or (ii) attendance at the facility at which the Program is provided; and 3. To forever indemnify, defend and hold harmless the indemnitees from and against any and all claims incurred by the indemnitees arising out of or related to (a) any act or omission by me and/or any participant, any of our invitees and/or anyone for whom in law each is responsible; (b) my and/or any (i) participation in the Program(s); and/or (ii) attendance at the facility at which the Program is provided. MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION I hereby give permission to MNN to arrange for any medical treatment of any participant, including hospitalization and transportation, and to the administration of such medical treatment, all as may be deemed necessary by MNN in the circumstances. Each participant is responsible for his/her own medical coverage and the costs associated therewith. I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions, Medical Authorization and Waiver of Liability.
